Blogging for the last time

so to all my fellow eagles and prospective eagles. its time to say goodbye until next year..well next semester. This semester has gone by so fast. I can hardly believe it. I want to first say that college is not all fun and parties, it takes hard work and determination. Secondly I want to say dont abuse your freedom in college I have seen some close friends as well as fellow peers misuse it with some huge consequences. If I had one thing I want all incoming freshman to remember is responsibility and organization. As stated in a previous blog, organization is your best friend, it will help you through your college years. I would also like to say that you shouldnt stay in your room all the time. All work and no play makes for a horrible time. I would suggest that you get out there and join some clubs you will not only have fun, but you will get your community service as well. When it comes to your finals you shouldnt wait til the last minute to study. I know that all teachers say this and in High school you may be able to get away with not studying because its the last few chapters you studied. In college it is a totally different story. YOU MUST STuDY THe WHOLE SEMESTER. This is the only way you will be successful in studying for your finals. I really dont have anything else to say but I would like to leave you with a quote.

"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly. " -Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)

until next year................HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!

Important Health Topic

I’ve noticed and found that African Americans tend to not got to the doctor regularly and take notice to symptoms of disease and infection whether it is mental or physical. This is partially due to the fact that they do not trust doctors and feel that there is unfair treatment in their care compared to that of Caucasian patients. I’ve also noticed that in the mental health world that many African Americans with bipolar disorder either go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed as schizophrenic and they are put on medications for the wrong disorder. It has been shown by the professors at the University of Connecticut that people of color including Latinos have excessively been misdiagnosed. Their plan is to find out why so many have been improperly diagnosed.

"Patients suffering from depression or bipolar disorder who only receive medications for schizophrenia will continue to experience their original symptoms," he said, "and they will be at risk for very poor outcomes.(1) My opinion is simple that doctors need to treat all patients fairly. These statistics aren’t shown in patients with fair skin so I feel that there should be more initiative to diagnosing people of color. One factor about why this is an issue is because of health insurance and lack of as to the type of service that the patients receive. Most people of color have little to no health insurance and so they are going to free clinics or less qualified doctors to receive treatment, and because they can’t pay much the doctor doesn’t take much initiative in diagnosing them so they receive the wrong diagnosis, the wrong medication, and it leads to negative results.

Another reason for [what?] African Americans is that underestimate the impact of mental disorders. Many believe symptoms of mental illnesses, such as depression, are “just the blues.” Issues of distrust in the health care system and mental illness stigma frequently lead African Americans to initially seek mental health support from non-medical sources.(2) I have seen from personal experiences that African American specifically shrug things off and put it off as something minimal when it is really something more than that. I’ve had three family members diagnosed with bipolar disorder. They shrugged it off at first as something minimal as having the “blues” or just “being down”. It progressed and things got worse but they never went and got help for it. For one family member it became so bad that he became a danger to himself and others. He was committed to the Psychiatric ward of the hospital and it was then found that he suffered from bipolar disorder. It was then that we found out the other two showed the same symptoms and assumed it was bipolar disorder. Part of the reasons why my other two family members never went for help is that they grew up during the civil rights era and never trusted the doctors because they kept the mentality that doctors aren’t fair and they discriminate against people of color.

People of color, especially African Americans, should take more care of themselves whether it is the mental or physical aspect of health. I also believe that doctors should take more initiative and care when diagnosing people of color in concerns of a medical disorder. The original purpose for the free clinics were so that people with little or no health insurance had someplace to go and receive effective and efficient medical at a low cost. These principles should be forced upon these clinics to ensure the correct treatment of people of color specifically. In return we break the chain of misdiagnoses and improper treatment of people of color. This will, in reaction, encourage more people of color to regularly see a physician and maintain mental and physical health.

Sources Cited

1. "Bipolar Disorders and African Americans." Bipolar Disorder Research Study (2005): n. pag. Web. 17 Nov 2009. .

2. "African Americans." American Psychiatric Association. . 2009. AMA, Web. 17 Nov 2009. .

3. “African American Health.” 2009. NLH, Web. 17 Nov 2009.

Homecoming pt 2 [Fashion Show]

Greetings to my fellow eagles and all prospective! Today’s topic will consist of the Homecoming fashion show (which my modeling troupe won by the way.YAY!!!!!)

So first was the fashion show, and the theme was the “Fashion Massacre”. The days leading up to the show were very hectic and irritating making sure last minute props were done and appointments were set to do hair and little last minute task. The day of the show went pretty smooth which I wasn’t expecting considering the fact we had all night practice the previous night and I hadn’t had any sleep. I returned to campus at 7am on Thursday and had to immediately prepare for my first class of the day. I soon noticed how tired I really was and drank my last Amp (those have become my best friends in college). Feeling a little bit better I continued with my day without anymore interruptions. After my biology lab I raced back to my room so that I could finish the hem of the skirts I made for the show. At first I didn’t think it would take much time, and that is why I waited 3pm to do them. But as soon as I started I realized it was more work than I thought. Considering the fact I had to meet with my Academic Advisor that day at 4:30 and report to the B.N. Duke auditorium at 5, it seemed impossible to get them done. But thank goodness for roommates like mine. She helped a great deal and we finished with minutes to spare.

Finally it’s time for the show to start and backstage becomes hectic with models running from point A to B needing last minute touch ups on makeup and hair. We finish up and send them to do their opening act. In the opening, all troupes participated in a union entrance. Each troupes then presented a few representatives on stage to create a cluster and the rest went to the back. Then once each troupe presented the rest of the models that went to the back returned in lines in the aisles, and the presidents from each troupe appeared in the front for recognition. Then the show began. The lineup including the following modeling troupes: Blaque Mystique, Bon Vivant Fashion Society, Evalesco, Prestige, Team Paradyce. I was unable to watch the other troupe’s performances because the fashion show had sold out and there was no room left for the troupes to see the other performances. But our show was exceptionally different and truly embodied the meaning of a fashion massacre. Our scheme was the BVFS asylum and the three patients were admitted for their addiction to money, accessories, and shoes. During the first scene the patients are brought out and the head Nurse (our president Mercadees Gray) admitted them and listed the daily schedule. Then the curtains close after the girls are put under sedation and they open up to the girls waking up and realizing where they are then they jump out the chairs and begin the women’s routine. After that the creative runway scene occurs. Then the men’s routine and their runway are next. After that it is the union scene between the women and men it was set up as a seduction scene and for the women patients to seduce the males (the doctors) to get out of the asylum. The finale was the whole troupe on the stage and in the aisles. After we finished our set we then began the long wait for them to announce the winners. It seemed like FOREVER and then finally they announced BON VIVANT as the winners and we ran to the stage. It was so exciting especially this being my freshman year and the first time I participated in an organization as such. So I say Congrats to my Bon Vivant Family and to all the others. WE’RE THE BEST!!

HomeComing Part I

Recently we celebrated our Centennial Homecoming; it was quite interesting and important. This being our centennial it was an important one. But it tends to be complicated because NC A&T, and WSSU also had their homecomings at the same time. Even with that obstacle we had a pretty fun homecoming. The first part of home coming consisted of the Comedy show, the Pre-dawn and the Coronation. The comedy show was one of the highlights of homecoming we had Benji Brown, Corey Holcomb and Kevin Hart. It was exciting and I had so much fun laughing and crying at the jokes. First there was Benji Brown with his famous impressions of a female and her friends. He talked about the typical female clique and how the act one way in front of each other but when they separate they talk trash about the others. Everything he said was so true which made it SOO SOO much funnier because females tend to act like that a lot. Then Corey Holcomb came on the stage and told real life situations. To some these jokes offended them but these real life situations concerning abortion, and bodily anatomy. With Corey Holcomb we were taken “to school” and learned the real things that they don’t teach us in class. Ha-ha. The final act was Kevin Hart. He was absolutely funny. His material was original and new. I would love to talk about it but because he was doing an HBO show he asked that we not discuss it or record it before it aired on television. I will say that as usual he talked about his kids and how they acted. He also talked about daily life and his attitude and temperament. I enjoyed myself and seriously have never laughed so hard in my life. On Saturday there was the Pre-Dawn “Survival of the Fittest.” It was a concert/Party, and they booked Shawty Lo, an artist known for being in the group D4L and having singles such as “Foolish” and “Dunn Dunn.” Unfortunately I didn’t get to see him perform but I did enjoy myself hanging with my friends and some of the members from my organization. On Sunday the Coronation was held in the B.N. Duke auditorium. This was a ceremony in which the Mr. and Miss of all organizations were presented to the public. I did not attend but I was told that it was lovely and exciting.


As college students, keeping up with the news and current events is imperative. So recently there was a story that broke the news about the French vogue. They released an issue including a controversial photo shoot in which a Caucasian model Lara Stone is portrayed as a woman of African Descent. Some may think that it is wrong because the French Vogue is known for being controversial or “racist” as some say. But some see it as artistic. In my opinion I believe it is creative but still disrespectful. In one sense you can’t blame them for it because it is just like Season 4 of America’s Next Top Model when they portrayed women of different cultures as a photo shoot challenge. But still because Africans and people of color have been so discriminated against and portrayed poorly it can also be criticized in that sense because French Vogue has been known for not having many models of color. It has only seemed to worsen in recent years in the New York Fashion Scene because they have been criticized for not including models of color in fashion and runway shows.

On a personal note I believe that technically the French Vogue cannot be criticized because the same type of photo shoot has been done previously. It may have not been thought of as wrong to many because it was Tyra Banks but to some it was. It may have been thought of as disrespectful. But because it is done by the French Vogue then it is SO wrong. I don’t believe that you should scold one and not the other. If you are going to scold those of the French Vogue and the Australian talent show for racist acts then you should scold them all or allow for the creative genius. In a Moral aspect I believe that what the French Vogue did was wrong. I believe that if the country is supposed to be as integrated as they claim then models of color should be included in the magazine.

To read the full article click the link

Brittany - African American, Christina - East Indian, Kahlen - Hawaiian, Keenyah - Korean, Lluvy - Swedish, Michelle - Eskimo, Naima - Icelandic, Noelle - African, Rebecca - Italian, Tatiana - Biracial, Tiffany - Native American

Blogging on the RUN!!!

Hello my fellow eagles,

I feel like I’m neglecting you all and my duty to keep you up to date, but school has picked up and midterms grades and exams became a priority. SO let me fill you in on the past two weeks of my life. I went to the Aggie-Eagle Classic. Although we lost I cheered NCCU on and lost my voice. The game was so much fun and filled with excitement. As usual the NCCU Marching Sound Machine put on the show of a life time. The DOA “Death of Aggieland” added the special touch they needed to show out. And our football team fought long and hard. I was so proud to call myself an Eagle because we showed true spirit. Then dreadfully I caught the flu that has been going around so that put me out for a weekend. I can’t stress enough how Lysol is your best friend especially in college to keep you safe and germ free. Also make sure you receive a flu shot every year.

Then there are midterms. Even when you are passing and have a good grade its imperative that you study hard and make sure you do great on your midterm because it’s the determination of an A or a B or an D or a F. So as for my study plan I wrote words that I didn’t know three times along with key words to help me remember the words and their meanings. Another thing I tend to do with new words is write the annunciation of the word so I know how to pronounce it and write it correctly.

Along with all of that I have my numerous clubs that have taken up my time. First, with homecoming so close, Bon Vivant is taking a lot of my time. We practice every day for perfection as well as setup and prop completion. Then there’s book club….we have recently started reading the Steve Harvey book “Act like a Lady, Think like a Man”. The book is really great and I’m starting to learn some things about myself as a woman and ways to better myself. So that’s my spill, and until next time keep these words with you.

“You will realize your potential when you dream your biggest dream”-Me

Family Weekend Part II [Hill Harper]

On Sunday Hill Harper was featured in a Lyceum program held in the B.N. Duke Auditorium. And he had A LOT to say. Not just in general but there were so many inspiration messages that he left us with and I’d like to share those:

First we are the Active architects of our lives. We have the ability to design tour lives they way we want in order to succeed. This is done by four simple steps that can be used in Life, making decisions, and every aspect of life

    Blueprints-figure out what you want in life and plan it out. Write your blueprint whether its mental or written

    Foundation- as all buildings need foundation so do you, so build your foundation. Including your education, family ties, relationships,

    Wall frame- means choosing your options, making the right decisions.

    Doors- open your life to opportunities that may help you in achieving your goals.

Mr. Harper also stated that we shouldn’t survive we should Thrive. Because when you survive you are just getting by but when you thrive you open up more opportunities for yourself and are successful. So my weekend has pretty much been full and FUN…. Hope this encourages you to attend NCCU because not only do you receive and education you gain Family.

-NCCU College girl;))

For More information on Hill Harper visit his website [Manifest Your Destiny]

Family Weekend Part 1 (The Game)

We’ve recently finished our Family Weekend here at NCCU, and it was Exciting. The weekend started on Friday September 18th with the welcoming ceremony and varies activities for the parents and family members. Then Saturday there was breakfast with the #1 Eagle, Chancellor Nelms followed by a huge tailgate for our first home game. When Central Tailgates, We do it BIG! There was blowup slides and moon-walks for the children. Local Vendors with food were there including Fish Plates, Shrimp, Turkey Legs, Funnel cakes, and there was even a smoothie vendor that sold actual Pineapple drinks in the Pineapple. That was interesting to me. The Smoothies were good as well. The Pre-Game was the best! There was the Famous Eagle jumping around and hyping the crowd and dancing with the Team on the field warming up. There was the Marching Soul Machine blasting the soulful old school hits and pumping the crowd up. Plus it was just a good feeling to have everyone there supporting the Eagles… it was like one huge Family. The Game was Fun; everyone cheered and chanted for our football team. One of the most interesting parts were the 1st downs, every time the eagles got a first down the band would play a tune and the crowd would yell Eagle 1st down. I’m starting to find out the school traditions and I’m guessing that the 1st down chant is a tradition along with the N-C-C-UUUUUUUUUUUU tune that the band plays often to hype the crowd up. Although our mighty eagles fought hard, they lost 10-13 in double-overtime. Later that night was the talent showcase in which the students, family and faculty were able to showcase their talents in front of the student body.

For More Information about Family Weekend Click the Link Family Weekend Info

Campus Life

    I don’t want to downplay staying on campus but I want people to be aware of what goes on while staying on campus. So, I stay in “the Hamptons” which are ok but the fact that one of my outlets has been out since school started and maintenance has not fixed it yet is crazy. Hopefully we can get it fixed soon. Living in the basement on the bottom floor, we also had an ant problem, but we’ve made contact with ResLife and they will take care of it. But the rooms are a nice size and I’m satisfied with the size and my roommate….we get along very well. I would suggest that when you get your assignment letter get in touch with your roommate(s) because it’s so much easier and you become familiar with that person before you move in so it breaks the tension.

      So enough about the rooms….I know a lot of people want to know about the campus parties and events and I will continue to blog about them throughout the year but those that have passed I will be more than happy to talk about. The first huge event being the Pre-Dawn Party was HUGE! It was hosted by the NCCU Student Activities Board. There were people from A &T and other surrounding colleges in attendance, and the lines were absolutely ridiculous. I picked out the perfect outfit and when I went to get in the line I realized I was pretty much OVER dressed because people were in regular shorts, shirt, and sneakers so I went back to my room and dressed down and came back. Bermuda and I stood in line for a good hr and a half before we finally left. Although I didn’t get in, the Pre-Dawns are rocking and everybody wants to be there. If you know what’s good you will there earlier so that you will get in because these parties reach capacity. Campus life is pretty live and there is always something going on but it’s left up to you to find out what’s going on

A Day in the Life of an Eagle

         So a typical day for me is full of classes meetings and homework. I’m up at 8:00 every morning preparing for my day. I leave my room in the HAMPTONS (inside joke). Let me brief you on the housing….if you live in the Richmond complex you are considered the suburbs or the Hamptons being that we are soo far away. So back to the day….my first class is all the way across campus in the biology building. That’s a fifty minute class. Then from there I have an hour break. So I catch up on some homework or take that opportunity to start from the previous class. I encourage that you use all of your spare time for studying and homework because when the weekend comes you are not going to want to do homework on the weekends, that’s party-time. So from there I head to my Dimensions of Learning class. That is the EASIEST class you will take. SHOUTS TO Mr. Mitchell the best instructor. This class is a mandatory class for freshman where you learn the history of NCCU. You are taught how to manage time and it gradually helps you into the college life. This class will be one of your essential classes. My last class of the day is English Composition; this class is focused on writing. You focus on the composition of the paper. The paper is broken down into parts and each part is explained in great detail. After classes I go to the cafe for lunch, the cafe food takes some getting used to. It is really good but you have to get used to it. Everyday it is something new, and we have Chicken Wednesdays and Fish Fridays!!! Oh and the chicken tacos are the best. Usually after classes and lunch I’m back at the Hamptons to do my homework or finish assignments due the next day. That’s the gist of my day. I do stress that you involve yourself in the numerous organizations on campus because a typical day ends at about 5 and you don’t want to be stuck in your room the rest of the day. Maintain a social and academic life. So, until next time....-NCCU College giirl ;))


So I tend to write about some or the most random things. Today I want to talk about organization. It is so important that you maintain organization within your experience here at NCCU.

First let me talk about the rooming situation, because I had to find out the hard way. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT try to bring everything you own because you can not fit it. My mom tried to tell me but, no, I just knew I was grown and knew what was right and I brought my entire room…SERIOUSLY!! Now I have no place to put it. It was really a waste of time to pack all of that stuff and bring it here to unload and not be able to fit it. So please take my advice and think very carefully about what you bring.

That’s on down the road so refer to that part the summer before you move in...but most importantly organization in the aspect of applications school work and academic purposes are vital to you now. Please keep up with all important papers that the university sends you and keep a record of everything you mail because you wouldn’t want to get down here and paper work is lost. Also make sure you use assertiveness when applying because papers get lost and if you are not notified then it’s the last minute and you’re left wondering why you haven’t received your letter. That goes for school work also….always have some type of system to keep track of due dates, and deadlines. As a high school senior you have so much on your mind. But whatever you do DON’T slack on your work; it will terribly hurt. So if need be get a huge calendar and write all deadlines and due dates so that you have everything you need done when you need it.

I can’t stress how much organization is vital to you at this point in your life. It could be the difference in that B turning into an A or receiving that scholarship or even with Financial Aid. It is true that the earlier your turn it in the more money you get towards school. So that’s my advice for the day until next time....

-nccu college girl;-)

Reflections of a High school graduate, College Freshman

      So I first want to say advice to those choosing to attend NCCU: Study hard, and stay focused on your classes during your senior year because they will help you during your freshman year determining your freshman year class schedule.
      Try if you can to take a class at the community college over the summer or during the year if possible so that you get a feel of the college life. Have fun your senior year. Participate in extracurricular activities and contact any of us that are freshman bloggers because we have been there and we can relate. Also start thinking about what you want to major in because that helps to determine classes that you will enroll once you come to NCCU...but that's another subject. I've been thinking as I write what I would have wanted to hear as I started my senior year. One thing is that try not to get any F's because it can hurt your GPA and to also start applying for scholarships now because your not going to want to second semester, and most deadlines are January 1.
     YOUR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR IS YOUR BEST FRIEND RIGHT NOW! They can help you so much especially with applications as well as recommendations you might need. So, there’s nothing else I can think of but keep posted because life at NCCU is NEVER boring.
                                        -NCCU college girl ;-)