So enough about the rooms….I know a lot of people want to know about the campus parties and events and I will continue to blog about them throughout the year but those that have passed I will be more than happy to talk about. The first huge event being the Pre-Dawn Party was HUGE! It was hosted by the NCCU Student Activities Board. There were people from A &T and other surrounding colleges in attendance, and the lines were absolutely ridiculous. I picked out the perfect outfit and when I went to get in the line I realized I was pretty much OVER dressed because people were in regular shorts, shirt, and sneakers so I went back to my room and dressed down and came back. Bermuda and I stood in line for a good hr and a half before we finally left. Although I didn’t get in, the Pre-Dawns are rocking and everybody wants to be there. If you know what’s good you will there earlier so that you will get in because these parties reach capacity. Campus life is pretty live and there is always something going on but it’s left up to you to find out what’s going on
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