Reflections of a High school graduate, College Freshman

      So I first want to say advice to those choosing to attend NCCU: Study hard, and stay focused on your classes during your senior year because they will help you during your freshman year determining your freshman year class schedule.
      Try if you can to take a class at the community college over the summer or during the year if possible so that you get a feel of the college life. Have fun your senior year. Participate in extracurricular activities and contact any of us that are freshman bloggers because we have been there and we can relate. Also start thinking about what you want to major in because that helps to determine classes that you will enroll once you come to NCCU...but that's another subject. I've been thinking as I write what I would have wanted to hear as I started my senior year. One thing is that try not to get any F's because it can hurt your GPA and to also start applying for scholarships now because your not going to want to second semester, and most deadlines are January 1.
     YOUR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR IS YOUR BEST FRIEND RIGHT NOW! They can help you so much especially with applications as well as recommendations you might need. So, there’s nothing else I can think of but keep posted because life at NCCU is NEVER boring.
                                        -NCCU college girl ;-)


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